The Casiguranin Pride #3: The Casiguran and The Casiguranin

Casiguran is considered as the most urbanized municipality in Northern Aurora. It is located 121 km from Baler. Casiguran is filled with lots of beautiful scenery which considered as the 'asset of casiguran' and very caring people called the 'casiguranin'.

Scenery and the casiguranin alone are considered as The Casiguranin's Pride.

Casiguran is a coastal town so fishing is the most common source of income of almost all casiguranin. The casiguranin also engaged in food processing like processed peanut and processed root crops(ube, cassava, sweet potato, gabi). Apart from that there is a product that Casiguranin can be proud of, it is called the Casiguran Wine. This wine is discovered by the casiguranins who are working in a coconut farm.

The original casiguranins are the indigenous peoples also known as dumagat or agta. As of now, agtas/dumagats lived uphill, in the forest, at the top of the mountain or in areas near or beside the seashore. They ocassionally go down town to sell their products like meat of wild animals and some handy crafts.

There's also a particular barangay in Casiguran where agtas/dumagats live, it is in Barangay Calabgan. It is a small community for them.


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